Monday, 2 June 2014

Handling and organizing photographs.

Handling and managing photographs.

Keeping a backup:
It’s important to take care of your artworks very cautiously because it’s your work and by keeping a record you can later understand the mistakes and can compare your photographical learnings. Keeping a backup of data and updating it regularly is no doubt a good choice and practice.

Keeping on-line data:
It’s a good way to keep data online so where ever you are you can access it easily and there will be no issue of losing it. There are so many websites who offers free storage like, etc

Organizing photographs:
By Making separate folders for each and every trip it will become easy to access data without having any type of problem. There can be so many ways to organize the data it may have done with making albums of by renaming the photographs.

Take & keep Notes:
as notes always makes everything very meaningful and it helps to remember  important and little things so by taking notes with each and every photograph you capture will make you more professional and skilled one.
Taking notes

Content sheets and Test printing:
Content Sheet
Test Printing
Making content sheets and not even making it also printing it with different settings and if treating photographs on Photoshop try to take test print with every setting you want and then put then in front of you and let your creative mind decide what is good and what are the lacking.

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